Please inspect your order upon delivery.
We want you to feel completely confident in your purchase from Wholesale Frame Company. If there's an issue with your order, we're here to make it right.
Returns & Exchanges
You may return any frame within 10 days of receiving your order for a replacement or refund, as long as it is unused and in its original packaging.
To start a return, please contact us at with your order details and photos (if applicable). We’ll provide a return shipping label and cover the return shipping cost up to $24.95. If return shipping exceeds this amount, the customer is responsible for the difference.
We guarantee that every frame is free of manufacturing defects and meets our highest standards of craftsmanship. If a frame fails due to defects in materials or workmanship, we will replace or refund it within 30 days of purchase.
Additional Notes:
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at or (203) 238-9841.